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赵洁琼破产姐妹S1E1 美剧--像是童殿会眷恋

破产姐妹S1E1 美剧|-像是童殿会眷恋
1. 经典台词①

2. obnoxious(adj.):unpleasant in a way that makes people feel offended, annoyed, or disgusted 惹人讨厌的;可憎的;粗暴无礼的
①She's really obnoxious.
②an obnoxious idea 令人作呕的念头 obnoxious odours 难闻的气味

3. 经典台词②

4. piss off (美语口语中的高频词汇)
①to make sb annoyed 使生气;使厌烦
e.g. Her attitude really pisses me off. 她的态度让我厌烦极了。艾佳妮
②adj. 生气的,厌恶的
I'm pissed off with the way she treated me. 她对待我的方式,让我极为不爽。
PS. piss在英文中的原意为“撒尿”爱的侵犯 ,有一点粗俗,所以这个词组,在正式的场合或者不熟的人面前,尽量不要用。

5. house在这里指代餐厅
This is on the house. OR It's on the house. 请客广东民安医院 ,免单,免费

6. paycheck(美) paycheque(英)(n.)
① a check that is used to pay an employee for his or her work 工资支票
② the money that you regularly earn: a wage or salary 薪金,工资

7. immigrate(v.): to come into a country in order to live there permanently 移民
immigration(n.) 移民

8. moist(adj.): slightly or barely wet 潮润的,微润的,湿润的
①Make sure the soil is moist before planting the seeds.
②warm moist air 温暖湿润的空气
③Her eyes were moist.(=She was almost crying.) 她的眼睛湿润了。

9. mustard(n.)
①a yellow sauce with a strong taste, eaten especially with meat 芥末酱
②a plant with yellow flowers and seeds that are used to make mustard sauce 芥菜
③a yellow-brown colour 芥末黄,深黄色
④cut the mustard: to be good enough to do something
【非正式】符合要求王奕鸥 ,符合条件

10. immune system(身体的) 免疫系统

11. judgmental(adj.)
①criticizing people very quickly used to show disapproval
动辄批评人的魔法异界游 ,爱品头论足的
②characterized by a tendency to judge harshly 以貌取人的

12. 经典台词③

13. hit on
①to have an idea or discover something suddenly or unexpectedly
②to talk to someone in a way that shows you are sexually attracted to them

14. stain(n.)
①a mark that is difficult to remove, especially one made by a liquid such as blood,coffee, or ink (尤指液体形成的)污迹,污点
②a special liquid that you use to change the colour of something, especially wood (尤指木料的)着色剂,染色剂
③something that damages the good opinion that people have about someone

15. divorce(v.)
①to legally end your marriage with (your husband or wife)(与...)离婚
②to separate two ideas星象仪罗马音 , subjects etc completely
【正式】把...完全分开邱弘济 ,彻底分割
divorce sth from sth
③to stop being involved in an activity,or ganization赵洁琼 , situation etc 脱离

16. trust fund 信托基金
The media magnate has established a trust fund for his 5-year-old son.
这位媒体巨头为他五岁的儿子建立了一个信托基金舅爱心欢 。

17. rip off
The thief broke in and ripped off the computer. 贼破门而入偷走了一台电脑。
Don't see that movie. It's a total rip-off!

18. 经典台词③

19. Nailed it(美剧口语中的高频词汇)搞定浮云玉 ,做得好,干得漂亮!
You nailed it. 你做到了,你搞定了。

20. pocket the difference 赚差价

21. diner(n.)
①someone who is eating in a restaurant (餐厅的)用餐者
②a small restaurant that serves cheap meal (价格便宜的)小餐馆

22. 经典台词④

23. bucket list 遗愿清单,死前心愿
bucket 木桶,list 单子
kick the bucket(俚语) 脚踹木桶,用汉语俗话来说口琴草堂 ,就是指“咽气、翘辫子”。
pass away, be gone, depart this life都是形容死去。

24. rob(v.): to steal money or property from a person, bank etc
抢劫天字医号 ,抢夺寂寞青山 ,打劫

25. stress sbout: to make someone so worried or nervous that they cannot relax 【非正式】使极度焦虑,使非常紧张,使压力大

26. victim(n.)
①someone who has been attacked全安琪 , robbed, or murdered
②someone who suffers because of something bad that happens orbecause of an illness (恶劣情况的)受害者;(疾病的)患者

27. pathetic(adj.)
①making you feel pity or sympathy 招人怜悯的,可怜的
②so useless最牛自考生 ,unsuccessful,or weak that they annoy you
无用的窦唯烧车 ,差劲的,令人生厌的

28. 经典台词⑤


30. esteem:a feeling of respect for someone, or a good opinion of someone
hold sb in high/great esteem
The critics held him in high esteem as an actor.