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1Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales威尔士王妃戴安娜.斯宾塞

Prince Charles briefly dated Diana’s older sister Sarah, but it was the young Diana who made an impression on the prince. They started dating when she was only 19 years old and he was over 30. Diana married Prince Charles on July 29, 1981. They divorced on August 28, 1996, and she tragically died in a car crash almost a year later on August 31, 1997.
2Jetsun Pema, the Queen of Bhutan不丹王后 吉增.佩玛

The Prince first met Jetsun when she was 7 years old and he was 17 at a family picnic. He told her that if she was still single and he was still single when she grew up, they would marry. He was true to his word. On October 13, 2011, King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck married his 21-year-old bride Jetsun Pema in a traditional Buddhist ceremony.
王子初次遇见吉增是在一次家庭野餐聚会上,那时吉增7岁陈燕琳 ,王子17岁。王子对她说,如果她成年之后,她尚未出嫁,他仍未娶妻,那么彼此就结为夫妇。王子没有食言。2011年10月13日,不丹国王吉格梅.凯萨尔.纳姆耶尔.旺楚克按照传统佛教仪式举办婚礼,迎娶了时年21岁的吉增.佩玛。
3Tatiana Blatnik, Princess of Greece and Denmark希腊王妃塔蒂亚娜.布拉特尼克

Tatiana, a former event planner for fashion designer Diane von Fürstenberg, met Prince Nikolaos in 2003 while on a ski vacation through a mutual friend. Previously, the prince had been known as a long-time bachelor. They were married August 25, 2010 in a traditional Greek ceremony.
塔蒂亚娜曾任时装设计师黛安.冯芙丝汀宝的活动策划人。2003年邵振海,她在滑雪度假期间经由一位两人共同的朋友认识了希腊王子尼古拉斯。众所周知,这位王子此前已经单身了很多年。2010年8月25日,两人举办了传统的希腊婚礼,喜结连理残暴狮 。
4Kate Middleton越水七槻 , the Duchess of Cambridge剑桥公爵夫人 凯特.米德尔顿

Kate and Princess William met in 2001 at St. Andrews University in Scotland, and dated on-and-off for nearly a decade. Their wedding took place on April 29, 2011, and was a worldwide phenomenon. The pair are still one of the most beloved royal couples.
2001年张峰物流网 ,凯特和威廉王子相识于苏格兰的圣安德鲁斯大学顾汝章 。两人分分合合近十年之后,于2011年4月29日举办婚礼,成为当时轰动全球的一桩盛事。目前两人仍是最受喜爱的王室夫妇之一。
5Maxima Zorreguieta, Queen of the Netherlands荷兰王后马克西玛.索雷吉耶

Maxima met Willem-Alexander, heir apparent to the Dutch crown, in Spain during the Seville Spring Fair. The couple said in interviews that Maxima had no idea he was a prince, and thought he was joking when he finally told her the truth. They were married on February 2, 2002, and have three daughters together. Maxima became Queen of the Netherlands as Willem-Alexander ascended to the throne on April 30 of 2013.
马克西玛在西班牙塞维利亚春季展览会期间邂逅了荷兰王储威廉.亚历山大。防暴头盔 这对夫妇在多次采访中表示,起初马克西玛并不知道威廉是王子,最后威廉说出实情时长江长多少米,马克西玛还以为他在开玩笑。两人于2002年2月2日结婚,膝下共有三个女儿。2013年4月30日,威廉.亚历山大即位罗子乔,马克西玛随即成为荷兰王后。
6Lillian May Davies, Princess of Sweden瑞典王妃莉莲.梅.戴维斯

A fashion model from Wales, Lillian fell in love with Sweden’s Prince Bertil in 1943-but because she was a divorced commoner and he was still a possible heir to the throne, so they just quietly lived together for more than 30 years, until the current king gave them permission to wed纯情校医 , when she was 61, her groom 64.

所以说呀,梦想还是有的嘿老头演员表 ,金元萱万一实现了呢?