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Japanese man donates historic materials on battle of Nanjing

A retired Japanese principal has donated historic materials on the battle of Nanjing to the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders吕菁 , Mar. 31.
3月31日, 76岁的日本佐贺县立小城市高等学校退休校长岩松要辅先生在侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆捐赠了南京保卫战史料文政赫。

In 1997小史可 , Iwamatsu鲸鱼肉好吃吗 , who was a high school teacher back then范小萱, visited the Memorial Hall as a member of the Japanese National Board of Education delegation.
Deeply touched by the exhibits琉璃夜 , he told his students about the history of the Nanjing Massacre after his return to Japan.
1997年乐乐镇 ,当时还是一名高中老师的岩松先生作为日本全国教育委员会访华团一员曾参观过纪念馆阿甘左回忆录,受到了很大的触动王剑群 ,回国后将南京大屠杀的历史真相告诉了他的学生们大侦探西门 。
In 2007璃妃传, Iwamatsu happened to come across materials on the battle commands issued by Tang Sheng-chih刘东立, a Nanjing garrison commander, in a bookstore in Japan逆转女王在线观看 幽灵蛞蝓 , so he bought it for preservation.
2007年夜半2点钟 ,岩松先生在日本一个书店里曾肖龙,偶然发现了南京卫戍司令长官唐生智作战命令等文献资料,于是购买下来并一直保存伏天香 。陈本善

These historic materials contain 14 sets of archives, with blackcovers on both sides. The documents are embossed with the Chinese characters meaning "Made by Shanghai Mary Crafts Factory".
这些史料共包含14套档案,文件夹封面及封底为黑色覃欢喜 ,四角及翻轴处有铁皮包边丁文元,规格为25.5×31.4cm恶女戏夫 ,正面有“上海玛丽工艺厂制”压印。