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在酒店:1. I'd like to check in please. I made a reservation under the name of ...我要办理入吴英娜住沸多里达克 ,我用...的名字预定过了.2. What's fun to do in the area张榕蓉 ?酒店附近有什么好玩儿的海阳现场秀?造价员考试试题3. Can I have a late check-out王者好莱坞?我能晚一点点退房吗锋芒毕露造句 ?在餐厅:1. Hello Sir. Are you dining alone奥嘉·方达?你好先生巴特尔道尔吉 ,您是一个人吃饭吗萨钢云 ?2. You got a table for 2袁雅婷 ?有两人的桌子吗怀孕大暴走 ?3.Can I get the check please叶翎涵?买单乞丐煲饭 。在商张子嫣 场:1. I'm just looking around. Thank you.I'm just browsing. Thank you.我随便看看王熙麟。谢谢孙鸣杰 。(加一句Thank you会很礼貌)2. Let me know if you need any help. (你会听到这句话)有需要跟我说一声就好龙船招聘网 。3. Does it come in blue王学圻怎么读 ?李一情这件有蓝色吗铿锵种田记事 ?